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Editor's Note

Writer's picture: BSPBSP

Dear Reader,

While deciding the topic for this edition of Inquirer, the answer was fairly obvious. The shift to online has caused unignorable ripples in the lives of all, and it would not be incorrect to say that most of them aren’t welcomed changes. When we sat down and decided to cover this, the biggest challenge faced was the wide impact of the work from home scenario - from academic to social to mental to romantic (well at least for some of us apparently <insert snake emoji>). The new normal has brought new obstacles, and we are all facing challenges we had never anticipated before.

Therefore, this Inquirer aims to capture our unique semester - the never-ending assignments, the dearth of social interaction, the curse of sketchy internet connectivity, the lack of Nescafe coffee - among many others. While this piece may not be exhaustive, we hope to reach out to the student community and help highlight the now common struggles.

The editorial piece is on a widely discussed yet controversial issue. Since the end of the intern season, there have been a lot of negative feelings harboured by all genders for different reasons. The op-ed is written by a male and female alumni who have gone through the same processes and have a more informed and balanced perspective of the issue. Our Elemental article, in collaboration with the IIT Tech Ambit, is about the wondrous IITD Supercomputer.

The purpose of Inquirer is to bring light to the relevant issues that are being faced by the IITD community. Though we strive to maintain an unbiased opinion and peak accuracy with all that we write, that is not to say that it is improbable for human errors to have crept up. Therefore, we would be happy to review them upon receiving feedback from our readers.


Ayush, Muskaan and Vyomesh

Special Thanks- Yash Sheth(GSec) and Prof Samar Hussain(President)

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