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CAIC-GSEC Mid-Term Review

Completed Projects-

  1. Online Tryst - The CTMs for online Tryst will be finalized by 1st February, and further work will then be started.

  2. Extension of Stipend and Hostel Seat for PG Students due to COVID - The stipend and hostel seat for final year PG students has been extended by six months over the previous five years after further discussion with Dean Academics and Dean of Student Affairs along with the convenors at the start of the semester.

  3. Orientation for UG and PG Freshers for Introduction of Various CAIC Bodies - The PG conveners were involved in the PG orientation and department heads. The freshers were introduced to the various department activities for the PG students. For UG students, the clubs under CAIC held an introductory session for the freshers and another under the Tour of Stalls program conducted by all the Boards. The department societies independently held the freshers' orientation. PG students could have been introduced to clubs but were only introduced to departmental activities as many societies had not been formed by the time the semester started, and the orientation process of the PG students was finalized by the Deans beforehand.

Partially Completed Projects-

  1. Ensuring the Website and Social Media Handles of CAIC are Active and Up-to-Date - The CAIC website has been developed and is updated at the start of every sem to accommodate major events of the sem. The website was not updated last semester and will be updated before the start of this semester. Work is underway to prepare the social media handles of CAIC. All clubs and departmental societies have been given access to the webpage. They are expected to fill in their events as they happen. There are talks for a unified calendar from all the clubs which will make it easier for the same to be reflected on the portal.

  2. Elective Courses Floated for First-Year PG Students to Develop Interdepartmental Skills assisting in Placement Preparation - Electives floated in certain departments for the PG students. However, they were few in number, and discussion with the HoDs to get more electives floated for PG students is yet to be had.

  3. Creating Better Communication Link between Authority Bodies and Student Body during the Online Semsters - Discussions are underway with CAIC President, Dean Academics, to create permanent PoR of Deputy GSec (academics) within CAIC for bridging the communication gap between admin and students and is to be implemented next semester. As to the last online sem, the CAIC GSec was the communication link.

  4. Regular Council Meetings to Discuss Academic Issues of Students and Setting up a Research Council to Address Research Related Grievances - Regular council meetings cannot be held specifically to discuss academic issues. A CAIC academic committee is to be formed to address, compile and report all academic issues and research related grievances to either the GSec or directly to Dean Academics for taking action. There will be 2 committees, one for UG and the other for PG, and will be headed by the UG/PG Academics Secretary. The committee will meet as and when required with the UG/PG conveners to discuss general academic issues and prepare a report for Dean Academics. The committee is to be officialized and till then, all the academic issues are addressed through the GSec to the Dean Academics.

  5. Separate Feedback and Student Grievance Portal to address psychological resilience and provide accessible means to higher authorities - The student grievance portal has already been designed by SAC in the previous sem. The CAIC Academics Committee (mentioned earlier) will be responsible for collecting additional student feedback through the conveners and convey it to the required authorities.

  6. Workshops with Expert Teams and Departmental Societies for English Proficiency, Research Paper Writing, and Technical Skill Development - Workshops to start from the next semester. These will be a part of Tryst as Pre-Fest workshops and these will act as precedents for the department societies to conduct regular workshops during the semester.

  7. Ensure Access to Increased Number of Online Resources like publication sites, software, etc. - Discussions held with Dean Academics to have a unified budget for CAIC encompassing clubs, societies, events, miscellaneous, etc. and the subscriptions will be covered in that.

  8. Increasing PG Convenor Involvement in DRC/SRC/CRC Meetings to Discuss Respective Batch Grievances with the HODs & Inclusion of Convenors in the Departmental Societies for Holistic Representation - The PG Conveners have been involved in the departmental societies to increase the participation of PG students. Talks are underway for including the conveners in DRC meetings.

  9. Streamline the Various Bodies under CAIC to Cooperate Efficiently - Work is underway to change the structure of CAIC and have it constitutionally amended to bring the different bodies under CAIC on an accountable level, we are working on changing the structure of CAIC. This will be completed in the next semester.

  10. Creating a Database of Alumni Currently Working in Research Labs or Corporations to Guide Students - The work on the website is underway and will be available on the CAIC website soon.

Incomplete Projects-

  1. Revamping Respective Nucleus Committees to Open More Companies for PG Students - Little was done with the nucleus committees since the primary objective of the PG students was to complete their thesis and graduate on time, given the pandemic.

  2. Organizing Motivationally Inspired Sessions, especially for PG Students - Nothing has been done yet, they plan to work with SCS is yet to be implemented.

  3. Ensuring Transparency in MTP Allotments - Since MTP is renewed at the start of every session, the plan is to establish a procedure for MTP allotment by end of the next semester.

  4. Contingency Fund to be 60% of the Unused and Making a Centralized Vendor to Include Items like Thesis Printing, Publication Printing, etc. Redeemable Items under this Fund - The contingency fund is delivered by MHRD and, therefore, no further talks could take place.


points in the manifesto. However, it remains to be seen how the 10 initiatives that are yet to be completed pan out, specifically the approval and execution of the proposed CAIC Academic Committee. A lot rests on the restructuring of CAIC because, currently, each body under CAIC is completely independent and doesn't always work with CAIC at the center of their plans.

Generally, students of every department inform their respective convenor about any problem they might have, academic or administrative. If it's the former, the convenor talks to the professor or HoD as and when required. For the latter, the CAIC GSec is the point of contact to the Dean. So far, there's been one meeting with all the convenors, the GSec, and professors, and another one is in the pipelines.

Due to the clubs and societies being almost independent of each other, most academic matters end up in the hands of the CRs and the one who is next in line, the GSec. This was identified as a major point that needed improvement, and the restructuring is to be done accordingly so the work can be divided amongst multiple parties in the next term.

Many sources identify Kartikey to be approachable and one who ensures a clear and regular link of communication between himself and the team, floating sheets/forms regularly for general issues and communicating these issues to the Dean.

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